Sunday, February 23, 2014

First Civilization Overview

There once was a great civilization the “First Civilization”. We call them by many names most commonly know as “God or Gods”. They were our creators and gave us “Knowledge” or “Free Will” whatever you want to call it. We were created by them in their image, genetically modified versions of themselves. A Civilization so far advanced that their “Will” and “Technology” is so far passed anything that we are capable of understanding that we call them “God” or “Magic”. We call them “Angels and Aliens”. They made us a vessels of “Souls” to populate “Heaven”. The Heaven is a place were they reside, a place of peace free from a the troubles of the Human Race......”Zion”. Earth is a place for us to grow and prepare for life in this place and when our souls are ready for this “Civilization” and when we pass this test this is were you go. If you are not ready yet you will have to try again “Reincarnation”. Earth is “Purgatory” for lack of a better word.
“Good and Evil” and its presents here on earth are manifestations of waring factors of this First Civilization. “Good” being the Monotheistic “God” that the Religions of Abraham are based off of and “Evil” being Factors that stand against the massage of the First Civilization. That being the quest for power on this earthly plain.
When we see structures all over this world that can not be explained. Some people think they were made by Gods or for Gods but really they were left over from the Civilization that came long before us.
At the time when Humans gained “Free Will”, the Adam and Eve stories from the Abrahamic Religions, about 10,000 BC is when the “Precursors” to us genetically altered Humans to make us capable of free thought. This started the war for the control of man.
Throughout history we can see this. From the Pharaohs to the Romans to the more modern Monarchies and Empires and on to Global Companies. Every time that these “Evil Gods” Have more power then the “God of Abraham” the “Precursors” manifest themselves here on Earth in the form of a Human with a “super natural” ability to be able to comprehend their “Will”. Abraham, Noah, David, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and Many more. They were telling us the same thing over and over again. That we as Humans in their Image were not following the rules set fourth to grow ourselves on the path to “Zion”. The fall of every great empire was due to its gain of power over mankind. The problem is that we as humans created religions around these men and that was never there intention and the Law of “God” are perverted for power and personal gain. And over time when the “Precursors” see that we have left the ways of the “First Civilization” and that spreading the word of “God” is not enough, this is when they intervene either by “Super Natural” means or in more modern time War and Economic failure of Nations. This goes back to the times of “Mythology”, Atlantis, The Odyssey, Titans, and Demons. These thing were real. They are Genetically Superior beings maybe not here now on Earth as we know it in this Dimension but they at one time were real and the story we pass off a fiction is the lack of knowledge we as humans have to explain it. The fact is that for us to think in a universe that is billions of years old we are the most advanced thing is just arrogant. We are but a few thousand years old as a race, if there is a Civilization that is but 1000 years older then us they would be way more advanced then us and we in no way, shape, our form would be able to know what they are capable of....... now imagine a Civilization ten thousand our a hundred thousand years older then us..... what do you think the people in the time of Moses would call us with our Technology? Probably “God”.
The reason they can't reveal themselves to us in there true form is that we as a race would not understand fully their Glory.
There are People on this Earth that know this and have learned the ways of controlling mankind passed down throughout history by these “Evil” forces. From the Pharaohs to the “powers that be” now. With the soul goal being to have complete control of Mankind and keep them from finding their way to “Zion” so that they still have Men to rule over...... so they can be Kings on Earth.
There have Been many that have came after Jesus and Muhammad that had the ability to hear the word of the “Gods”. Many of whom silenced or killed some just thought of as crazy. People like Gandhi, Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa..........Einstein, people that history writes in the context of were they were from or what religion they belong to. Instead of looking at them as members of the human race that could hear the words of the “Gods”. Ones that had the ability to except this knowledge.
We now live in a time were everything is ruled by “Kings of Men”. Countries and even the religions of the world are not truly benefiting the human race just dividing Mankind. We have been blinded by laws of men and taught how to exist, not how to live. We are judged by what job we have and how much wealth you have. We are blinded with “facts” given to us by Men that make us think that the meaning of life is on this plain here on Earth as we know it. I will explain My beliefs in more detail on this Blog in future post. Feel free you ask me what I believe or to explain more.

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